Reflexion about Multimodal Class 3


The MOOC Model

A Brief History of the MOOC model

A MOOC is an online course with the option of free and open registration, a publicly shared curriculum, and open-ended outcomes. MOOCs integrate social networking, accessible online resources, and are facilitated by leading practitioners in the field of study.

David Wiley can be considered the author of the first conceptual MOOC, launched at the University of Utah in August 2007. It was an open education course. This initiative was followed by numerous projects promoted by different university centers in the United States and abroad. 

Let’s list the most common components of the leading MOOCs on the market:

       Video materials

       Reading materials

       Integrated activities

       Course forums and chats

       Integrated activities

       Sectional organization

       Test sections

       Final test examination (sometimes in the form of a project)

       Set educational goals

       Determine the target audience

       Select a MOOC platform

       Bring in experts

       Design the course structure                        

       Assemble the information

       Write a video script

       Record video

       Build means of assessment

       Gather feedback

  • Gain a taster experience for a full degree program
  • Courses are flexible, you can start now and study at your own pace
  • Being able to register for free and many MOOCs are free certificate courses
  • Engage and feedback with your fellow learners
  • Deadlines are flexible according to your schedule
  • Preview the syllabus and most of the course materials for free
  • Interactive courses are designed by specialists in their field at top universities
  • Know how many hours are required to devote to a course.
  • Allows you to learn different languages
    Since language-based learning is also available in MOOCs, they prepare students for entrance tests in various languages.

  • No requirements for signing up for the course
    There is no age requirement for admission to a course. You can sign up for it without any age requirement and hence study what you want to.
  • Unable to pay attention
  • No special attention
  • Not meant for students with disabilities
  • High attrition rates


  1. The Multimodal System allows the formation of a set of learning, where the teaching is through visual, auditory, reading and writing methods, making the environment more participatory and pedagogical, as this allows students to be involved in a more direct way.

  2. Apparently this platform has many points in its favor, what caught my attention the most is that it allows us to improve our level of learning and increases interaction with technological didactic resources for the learning-teaching process.

  3. Multimodal systems offer improved performance, but the time taken to verify users can drastically increase thereby causing inconvenience to the subjects and reducing the throughput of the system.


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Reflexion about Multimodal Class 2